I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing...
I have always loved this verse, but it seems especially significant today as I have been dwelling on Phil 4:13 which says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, this week as I am leaning on it for my diet issues...It is the verse I gave you too Dean to claim for your own...but as I was reading this morning I read this verse and noticed it says....He who ABIDES in Me, and I in him....meaning I need to FIRST ABIDE in Him, which means giving Him everything in me, really living for Him, THEN I will bear fruit, and do all things, as apart from Him I can truly do nothing...did I explain what I am thinking well enough?? In my own words it might say....Jesus is the true source of all life, and I am part of Him..If I truly live for Him, then He lives in Me and I in Him....this is how I will be successful in all I do, for I can do ALL things through Him, and apart from whom I am nothing...
Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day...
5 years ago
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