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But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
As I was dwelling on these verses this morning, I began to think to myself, what is it that makes me happy? What is it that makes most people happy? And is it different from that which I truly delight in?
I think in the world we live in today happiness is something most people assume they were born to experience, and something they feel they deserve to have. So as a result, many spend their lives in the pursuit of this happiness, and do whatever they feel is necessary to gain this sought after emotion. Relationship after relationship sometimes can be the result, as they strive to find the "perfect" mate who will bring them the happiness in life they deserve. Maybe it is their career that they feel is the key, and educate themselves and work diligently to achieve the goals they set forth to bring about the results that will surely lead to a nicer home, a better car, or whatever it is that they are sure will bring them the most pleasure. However the problem is really very obvious it would seem. Nothing is ever really enough, and the pursuit is always allusive.
I think that sometimes even for us Christians as we look for happiness in life, we make the mistake sometimes of thinking that our happiness will come as we read through the scriptures looking for peace of mind and security. But I think as we really read the Bible, and meditate on what it says, we find that God is alot more concerned about holiness than happiness. He is alot more concerned about our hearts, than the state of our feelings. Undoubtedly, the will of God will bring happiness to those who obey, but the most important thing is not how HAPPY we are, but how holy. I think sometimes it might be easy to cultivate a religious joy, without ever cultivating a righteous life.
If a person delights in something, you don’t have to beg them to do it or to like it. They will do it all by themselves. We can measure our delight for the Word of God by how much we hunger for it.
What makes us happy? What gets us excited? This is a good way to see what is important to us. If personal pleasure is the only thing that makes us happy, then we are a selfish, self-centered person. If being with our family or friends delights us, that can be better, but it still falls short. The righteous man finds his delight . . . in the law of the Lord.
The righteous man only has God’s word on his mind two times a day: day and night. That about covers it all!